Post Camp Evaluation Post Camp Evaluation First Name * Last Name * Email (Primary) * Camp you attended * - select Camp you attended - Please Select Ann Arbor Atlanta Austin Buffalo Lake Tahoe Las Vegas Milwaukee Morristown Park City Philadelphia Pittsburgh Seattle Shelton, CT South Florida Vail CO Washington DC *Knowledge of CoachesPoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent *Effectiveness of CoachesPoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Communication Skills of CoachesPoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Coaches' Effectiveness in using ice timePoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Friendliness of Coaches & StaffPoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Individual Attention ReceivedPoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Overall Organization of CampPoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Suitability of material covered on the icePoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Suitability of material covered off the icePoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Use of Videotape AnalysisPoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Effective of "Chalk Talks"Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Facilities at the Ice ArenaPoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Hotel Accommodations (If Applicable)Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Overall ExperiencePoor Fair Good Very Good Excellent How can we improve upon the items listed above?Hotel Feedback (See question below)If you stayed at the hotel reserved by Weekend Warriors, could you please describe any problems you experienced with your stay.What aspect of the camp did you like best?Did we fail to meet your needs in any way?What suggestions do you have for improving camp experience?Do you feel you improved your game? What aspects?Did we adequately address your personal learning goals? If no, please explain:What other topics would you like to see covered in Chalk Talks/Off Ice learning?What other topics would you like to see covered in Drills or On Ice Seminars?Did you receive a fair value for your money? If no, please explain:Do you feel that the coaches went out of their way to make your camp experiences valuable? Please explain:What could the coaches have done to improve your experience?Have you ever attended another hockey camp?Do you plan to attend another WW Camp?Yes No May we use your comments in our advertising?Yes No How would you summarize your feelings about your camp experience?Any other comments you would like to share:Would you be interested in helping us spread the word about our camps to your fellow players?Yes No If you selected yes, please list any ways you would like to help: Save Cancel