Shelton, CT – April 23-26, 2015

 Registration is closed for this event

April 23-26, 2015

This will most likely be our lowest attended camp of the season.  It's a great opportunity to get lots of ice time, reps through the drills and personal attention from our amazing coaches.  Don't miss it!

Total Camp Cost: $725

Deposit Amount: $200 (Balance Due 45 days prior to camp)

Shelton is a pretty town located conveniently about halfway between New York City and Hartford, CT.  The staff and facilities at the host rink, the Sports Center of Connceticut, are so nice, that we have decided to make this a regular stop on the Weekend Warriors circuit.  This rink is the practice facility of the Bridgeport Sound Tigers, and we get to use their locker room for the entire weekend.  Feel like a pro, and enjoy the convenience of dressing and leaving your gear in the Sound Tigers locker room for the entire weekend.  Join us for our 3rd annual (of many to come) camp in Connecticut and become a part of a tradition that is sure to continue for years to come.


Coach Vince gives attention



Camp Schedue

Shelton, CT Camp Schedule

Note: An updated schedule will be sent by e-mail to all registered players before camp.  The e-mailed schedule always supersedes the online version.


4:00: Orientation (at Rink).  Meet the coaches, other players and receive an orientation of the weekend’s events; Get Dressed.

6:00 – 8:00 PM: Ice Session #1

After Ice Session: “Break the Ice Party” – meet and greet the coaches, staff and your fellow players.  Appetizers provided.  Cash bar.



9:00 – 11:00 AM: Ice Session #2

11:15 AM – 12:00 PM: Video Review Session – White Team (Skaters only)

12:00 – 1:00 PM: Lunch from 12-1 plus time you are not in video (i.e. before or after lunch)

1:00 – 1:45 PM: Video Review Session – Blue Team & Goalies (Goalies separately w/Coach Jim)

2:00 – 3:00 PM: Chalk Talk1 (Goalies:  Goalie talk w/Coach Jim)

3:30 – 5:30 PM: Ice Session #3

Evening: On your own.  Unofficial gathering(s) to be announced for players wishing to socialize with their fellow campers. 



9:30 – 11:30 AM: Ice Session #4

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM: Lunch on your own 

1:00 – 2:00 PM: Skaters: Chalk Talk 2; Goalies: Review Skills Video

2:00 – 3:00 PM: Video Review of Scrimmage (Goalies review scrimmage video from goalie’s perspective with Coach Jim) 

3:30 - 5:30 PM: Ice Session #5

7:30 PM - Camp Banquet - The cost of the meal is included in your camp fee.  We hope you will all join us for some fun and camaraderie.  Cash Bar. 


Note: To players attending with spouse, friend or family, they are welcome to attend for a nominal additional charge.  Please let us know in advance if you plan to bring a guest.



9:00 - 11:00 AM: Ice Session #6

11:15 AM - 11:45 AM: Farewells


Note: Schedule is subject to modification.

Rink: Sports Center of Connecticut
Camp Includes:
  • 12 hours of on ice instruction from our high level staff
  • Off ice coaching in the form of chalk talks and video review sessions
  • Camp Banquet on Saturday Evening
  • "Break the Ice" Social on Thursday Evening
  • A custom jersey; socks and a water bottle
  • Lodging and transportation are NOT included
April 23rd, 2015 4:00 PM to April 26th, 2015 12:00 PM
784 River Rd.
Shelton, CT 06484
United States
Phone: 814-673-2000
Event Fee(s)
Choose Registration Option
Pay in Full $950.00
Pay in Full ( Alumni w/ $50 Uniform Credit ) $900.00
Deposit for Pay in Full $200.00
Deposit for Pay in Full ( Alumni w/ $50 Uniform Credit ) $200.00